Source code for ecole.typing

"""Typing information for Ecole.

Ecole flexibility relies on
`structural subtyping <>`_
and therefore requires to explicit the structures at hand.

from typing import TypeVar, Tuple, Dict, Iterator, Any, overload, Protocol

import ecole

Action = TypeVar("Action")
ActionSet = TypeVar("ActionSet")

[docs]class Dynamics(Protocol[Action, ActionSet]): """Dynamics are raw environments. The class is a bare :py:class:`ecole.environment.Environment` without rewards, observations, and other utlilities. It defines the state transitions of a Markov Decision Process, that is the series of steps and possible actions of the environment. """
[docs] def set_dynamics_random_state( self, model: ecole.scip.Model, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator ) -> None: """Set the random state of the episode. This method is called by :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset` to set all the random elements of the dynamics for the upcoming episode. The random generator is kept between episodes in order to sample different episodes. Parameters ---------- model: The SCIP model that will be used through the episode. rng: The random generator used by the environment from which random numbers can be extracted. """ ...
[docs] def reset_dynamics(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> Tuple[bool, ActionSet]: """Start a new episode. This method brings the environment to a new initial state, *i.e.* starts a new episode. The method can be called at any point in time. Parameters ---------- model: The SCIP model that will be used through the episode. Returns ------- done: A boolean flag indicating wether the current state is terminal. If this is true, the episode is finished, and :meth:`step_dynamics` cannot be called. action_set: An optional subset of accepted action in the next transition. For some environment, this may change at every transition. """ ...
[docs] def step_dynamics(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, action: Action) -> Tuple[bool, ActionSet]: """Transition from one state to another. This method takes the user action to transition from the current state to the next. The method **cannot** be called if the dynamics has not been reset since its instantiation or is in a terminal state. Parameters ---------- action: The action to take in as part of the Markov Decision Process. If an action set has been given in the latest call (inluding calls to :meth:`reset_dynamics`), then the action **must** be in that set. Returns ------- done: A boolean flag indicating wether the current state is terminal. If this is true, the episode is finished, and this method cannot be called until :meth:`reset_dynamics` has been called. action_set: An optional subset of accepted action in the next transition. For some environment, this may change at every transition. """ ...
Data = TypeVar("Data") class DataFunction(Protocol[Data]): """The parent class of all function extracting data from the environment. Data functions are a generic alias for :py:class:`~ecole.typing.ObservationFunction`, :py:class:`~ecole.typing.RewardFunction`, and :py:class:`~ecole.typing.InformationFunction` with different data types, such as float for rewards. Having a similar interface between them makes it easier to combine them in various ways, such as creating :py:class:`~ecole.typing.ObservationFunction` or :py:class:`~ecole.typing.InformationFunction` from a dictionnary of :py:class:`~ecole.typing.RewardFunction`. This class is meant to represent a function of the whole state trajectory/history. However, because it is not feasible to keep all the previous states in memory, this equivalent implementation as a class let the object store information from one transition to another. See Also -------- RewardFunction """ def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None: """Reset internal data at the start of episodes. The method is called on new episodes :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset` right before the MDP is actually reset, that is right before the environment calls :py:meth:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics.reset_dynamics`. It is usually used to reset the internal data. Parameters ---------- model: The :py:class:`~ecole.scip.Model`, model defining the current state of the solver. """ ... def extract(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, done: bool) -> Data: """Extract the data on the given state. Extract the data after transitionning on the new state given by ``model``. The function is reponsible for keeping track of relevant information from previous states. This can safely be done in this method as it will only be called *once per state* *i.e.*, this method is not a getter and can have side effects. Parameters ---------- model: The :py:class:`~ecole.scip.Model`, model defining the current state of the solver. done: A flag indicating wether the state is terminal (as decided by the environment). Returns ------- : The return is passed to the user by the environment. """ ... def _set_docstring(doc): """Decorator to dynamically set docstring.""" def decorator(func): func.__doc__ = doc return func return decorator Observation = TypeVar("Observation")
[docs]class ObservationFunction(DataFunction[Observation], Protocol[Observation]): """Class repsonsible for extracting observations. Observation functions are objects given to the :py:class:`~ecole.environment.Environment` to extract the observations used to take the next action. This class presents the interface expected to define a valid observation function. It is not necessary to inherit from this class, as observation functions are defined by `structural subtyping <>`_. It is exists to support Python type hints. See Also -------- DataFunction : Observation function are equivalent to the generic data function, that is a function to extact an arbitrary type of data. """
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.before_reset.__doc__) def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None: ...
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.extract.__doc__.replace("data", "observation")) def extract(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, done: bool) -> Observation: ...
[docs]class RewardFunction(DataFunction[float], Protocol): """Class responsible for extracting rewards. Reward functions are objects given to the :py:class:`~ecole.environment.Environment` to extract the reward used for learning. This class presents the interface expected to define a valid reward function. It is not necessary to inherit from this class, as reward functions are defined by `structural subtyping <>`_. It is exists to support Python type hints. Note ---- Rewards, or rather reward offset, are also extracted on :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset`. This has no use for learning (since not action has been taken), but is useful when using the cumulative reward sum as a metric. See Also -------- DataFunction : Reward function are a specific type of generic data function where the data extracted are reward of type ``float``. """
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.before_reset.__doc__) def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None: ...
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.extract.__doc__.replace("data", "reward")) def extract(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, done: bool) -> float: ...
Information = TypeVar("Information")
[docs]class InformationFunction(DataFunction[Dict[str, Information]], Protocol[Information]): """Class repsonsible for extracting the the information dictionnary. Information functions are objects given to the :py:class:`~ecole.environment.Environment` to extract the addtional information about the environment. A common pattern is use additional :py:class:`ecole.typing.RewardFunction` and :py:class:`ecole.typing.ObservationFunction` to easily create information functions. This class presents the interface expected to define a valid information function. It is not necessary to inherit from this class, as information functions are defined by `structural subtyping <>`_. It is exists to support Python type hints. See Also -------- DataFunction : Information function are a specific type of generic data function where the data extracted are dictionnary of string to any type. """
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.before_reset.__doc__) def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None: ...
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.extract.__doc__.replace("data", "information")) def extract(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, done: bool) -> Dict[str, Information]: ...
[docs]class InstanceGenerator(Protocol): """A class to generate generate and iteratate over random problem instance. The class combines a :py:class:`~ecole.RandomGenerator` with the static function :py:meth:`generate_instance` to provide iterating capabilities. """
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_instance( *args: Any, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator, **kwargs: Any ) -> ecole.scip.Model: """Generate a problem instance using the random generator for any source of randomness.""" ...
@overload def __init__(self, *args: Any, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Create an iterator with the given parameters and a copy of the random state.""" ... def __next__(self) -> ecole.scip.Model: """Generate a problem instance using the random generator of the class.""" ... def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ecole.scip.Model]: """Return itself as an iterator.""" ...
[docs] def seed(self, int) -> None: """Seed the random generator of the class.""" ...