"""Typing information for Ecole.
Ecole flexibility relies on
`structural subtyping <https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html>`_
and therefore requires to explicit the structures at hand.
from typing import TypeVar, Tuple, Dict, Iterator, Any, overload, Protocol
import ecole
Action = TypeVar("Action")
ActionSet = TypeVar("ActionSet")
[docs]class Dynamics(Protocol[Action, ActionSet]):
"""Dynamics are raw environments.
The class is a bare :py:class:`ecole.environment.Environment` without rewards,
observations, and other utlilities.
It defines the state transitions of a Markov Decision Process, that is the series of steps and
possible actions of the environment.
[docs] def set_dynamics_random_state(
self, model: ecole.scip.Model, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator
) -> None:
"""Set the random state of the episode.
This method is called by :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset` to
set all the random elements of the dynamics for the upcoming episode.
The random generator is kept between episodes in order to sample different episodes.
The SCIP model that will be used through the episode.
The random generator used by the environment from which random numbers can be extracted.
[docs] def reset_dynamics(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> Tuple[bool, ActionSet]:
"""Start a new episode.
This method brings the environment to a new initial state, *i.e.* starts a new
The method can be called at any point in time.
The SCIP model that will be used through the episode.
A boolean flag indicating wether the current state is terminal.
If this is true, the episode is finished, and :meth:`step_dynamics` cannot be called.
An optional subset of accepted action in the next transition.
For some environment, this may change at every transition.
[docs] def step_dynamics(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, action: Action) -> Tuple[bool, ActionSet]:
"""Transition from one state to another.
This method takes the user action to transition from the current state to the
The method **cannot** be called if the dynamics has not been reset since its
instantiation or is in a terminal state.
The action to take in as part of the Markov Decision Process.
If an action set has been given in the latest call (inluding calls to
:meth:`reset_dynamics`), then the action **must** be in that set.
A boolean flag indicating wether the current state is terminal.
If this is true, the episode is finished, and this method cannot be called
until :meth:`reset_dynamics` has been called.
An optional subset of accepted action in the next transition.
For some environment, this may change at every transition.
Data = TypeVar("Data")
class DataFunction(Protocol[Data]):
"""The parent class of all function extracting data from the environment.
Data functions are a generic alias for :py:class:`~ecole.typing.ObservationFunction`,
:py:class:`~ecole.typing.RewardFunction`, and :py:class:`~ecole.typing.InformationFunction`
with different data types, such as float for rewards.
Having a similar interface between them makes it easier to combine them in various ways, such
as creating :py:class:`~ecole.typing.ObservationFunction` or :py:class:`~ecole.typing.InformationFunction`
from a dictionnary of :py:class:`~ecole.typing.RewardFunction`.
This class is meant to represent a function of the whole state trajectory/history.
However, because it is not feasible to keep all the previous states in memory, this equivalent
implementation as a class let the object store information from one transition to another.
See Also
def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None:
"""Reset internal data at the start of episodes.
The method is called on new episodes :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset` right before
the MDP is actually reset, that is right before the environment calls
It is usually used to reset the internal data.
The :py:class:`~ecole.scip.Model`, model defining the current state of the solver.
def extract(self, model: ecole.scip.Model, done: bool) -> Data:
"""Extract the data on the given state.
Extract the data after transitionning on the new state given by ``model``.
The function is reponsible for keeping track of relevant information from previous states.
This can safely be done in this method as it will only be called *once per state* *i.e.*,
this method is not a getter and can have side effects.
The :py:class:`~ecole.scip.Model`, model defining the current state of the solver.
A flag indicating wether the state is terminal (as decided by the environment).
The return is passed to the user by the environment.
def _set_docstring(doc):
"""Decorator to dynamically set docstring."""
def decorator(func):
func.__doc__ = doc
return func
return decorator
Observation = TypeVar("Observation")
[docs]class ObservationFunction(DataFunction[Observation], Protocol[Observation]):
"""Class repsonsible for extracting observations.
Observation functions are objects given to the :py:class:`~ecole.environment.Environment` to
extract the observations used to take the next action.
This class presents the interface expected to define a valid observation function.
It is not necessary to inherit from this class, as observation functions are defined by
`structural subtyping <https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html>`_.
It is exists to support Python type hints.
See Also
DataFunction :
Observation function are equivalent to the generic data function, that is a function to
extact an arbitrary type of data.
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.before_reset.__doc__)
def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None:
[docs]class RewardFunction(DataFunction[float], Protocol):
"""Class responsible for extracting rewards.
Reward functions are objects given to the :py:class:`~ecole.environment.Environment`
to extract the reward used for learning.
This class presents the interface expected to define a valid reward function.
It is not necessary to inherit from this class, as reward functions are defined by
`structural subtyping <https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html>`_.
It is exists to support Python type hints.
Rewards, or rather reward offset, are also extracted on :py:meth:`~ecole.environment.Environment.reset`.
This has no use for learning (since not action has been taken), but is useful when using the cumulative
reward sum as a metric.
See Also
DataFunction :
Reward function are a specific type of generic data function where the data extracted are reward
of type ``float``.
[docs] @_set_docstring(DataFunction.before_reset.__doc__)
def before_reset(self, model: ecole.scip.Model) -> None:
Information = TypeVar("Information")
[docs]class InstanceGenerator(Protocol):
"""A class to generate generate and iteratate over random problem instance.
The class combines a :py:class:`~ecole.RandomGenerator` with the static function :py:meth:`generate_instance`
to provide iterating capabilities.
[docs] @staticmethod
def generate_instance(
*args: Any, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator, **kwargs: Any
) -> ecole.scip.Model:
"""Generate a problem instance using the random generator for any source of randomness."""
def __init__(self, *args: Any, rng: ecole.RandomGenerator, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Create an iterator with the given parameters and a copy of the random state."""
def __next__(self) -> ecole.scip.Model:
"""Generate a problem instance using the random generator of the class."""
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ecole.scip.Model]:
"""Return itself as an iterator."""
[docs] def seed(self, int) -> None:
"""Seed the random generator of the class."""