

Conda-Forge version Conda-Forge platforms
conda install -c conda-forge ecole

All dependencies are resolved by conda, no compiler is required.

PyScipOpt is not required but is the main SCIP interface to develop new Ecole components from Python

conda install -c conda-forge ecole pyscipopt

Currenlty, conda packages are only available for Linux and MacOS.

Pip wheel (binary)

Currently unavailable.

Pip source

PyPI version
Building from source requires:

For the stable PyPI version:

python -m pip install ecole

To specify the where to find SCIP (or any CMake parameters):

CMAKE_ARGS="-DSCIP_DIR=path/to/lib/cmake/scip -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=ON" python -m pip install ecole

For the latest Github version:

python -m pip install git+

Or if the latest version is already available locally:

python -m pip install .

If all dependencies (build time such as CMake and compiler, and run time such as NumPy) are already installed, as is the case when developping Ecole, one can install Ecole with:

python -m pip install --no-deps --no-build-isolation [ecole | git+ | .]