
Ecole empowers researchers to learn reliable machine learning models, and that means not overfitting on insignificant behaviours of the solver. One such aspect is the solver randomness, which is controlled by its random seed.

This means that, by default, Ecole environment will generate different episodes (and in particular different initial states) after each new call to reset(). To do so, the environment keeps a RandomGenerator (random state) between episodes, and start a new episode by calling set_dynamics_random_state() on the underlying Dynamics. The latter set random elements of the state including, but not necessary limited to, the Model random seed, by consuming random numbers from the RandomeGenerator. That way, the Environment can avoid generating identical episodes while letting Dynamics decide what random parameters need to be set.

The seed() method is really one of the environment, because it seeds the RandomGenerator, not direclty the episode for the Dynamics.

When not explicitly seeded, Environment use a RandomGenerator derived from Ecole’s global source of randomness by invoking ecole.spawn_random_generator(). By default this source is truly random, but it can be controlled with ecole.seed().

Similarily, an InstanceGenerator default random generator derived from Ecole global source of randomness.

As examples, we provide the following snippets.

Reproducible program

Running this program again will give the same outcome.

import ecole


env = ecole.environment.Branching()

for _ in range(10):
    observation, action_set, reward_offset, done, info = env.reset("path/to/problem")
    while not done:
        obs, action_set, reward, done, info = env.step(action_set[0])

Reproducible environments

Creating this envionment with same seed anywhere else will give the same outcome.

import ecole

env = ecole.environment.Branching()

for _ in range(10):
    observation, action_set, reward_offset, done, info = env.reset("path/to/problem")
    while not done:
        obs, action_set, reward, done, info = env.step(action_set[0])

Reproducible episode

All episodes run in this snippet are identical.

import ecole

env = ecole.environment.Branching()

for _ in range(10):
    observation, action_set, reward_offset, done, info = env.reset("path/to/problem")
    while not done:
        obs, action_set, reward, done, info = env.step(action_set[0])