Source code for ecole.environment

"""Ecole collection of environments."""

import ecole

[docs]class Environment: """Ecole Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). Similar to OpenAI Gym, environments represent the task that an agent is supposed to solve. For maximum customizability, different components are composed/orchestrated in this class. """ __Dynamics__ = None __DefaultObservationFunction__ = ecole.observation.Nothing __DefaultRewardFunction__ = ecole.reward.IsDone __DefaultInformationFunction__ = ecole.information.Nothing
[docs] def __init__( self, observation_function=ecole.Default, reward_function=ecole.Default, information_function=ecole.Default, scip_params=None, **dynamics_kwargs ) -> None: """Create a new environment object. Parameters ---------- observation_function: An object of type :py:class:`~ecole.observation.ObservationFunction` used to customize the observation returned by :meth:`reset` and :meth:`step`. reward_function: An object of type :py:class:`~ecole.reward.RewardFunction` used to customize the reward returned by :meth:`reset` and :meth:`step`. information_function: An object of type :py:class:`~ecole.information.InformationFunction` used to customize the additional information returned by :meth:`reset` and :meth:`step`. scip_params: Parameters set on the underlying :py:class:`~ecole.scip.Model` at the start of every episode. **dynamics_kwargs: Other arguments are passed to the constructor of the :py:class:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics`. """ self.reward_function =, self.__DefaultRewardFunction__()) self.observation_function = observation_function, self.__DefaultObservationFunction__() ) self.information_function = information_function, self.__DefaultInformationFunction__() ) self.scip_params = scip_params if scip_params is not None else {} self.model = None self.dynamics = self.__Dynamics__(**dynamics_kwargs) self.can_transition = False self.rng = ecole.spawn_random_generator()
[docs] def reset(self, instance, *dynamics_args, **dynamics_kwargs): """Start a new episode. This method brings the environment to a new initial state, *i.e.* starts a new episode. The method can be called at any point in time. Parameters ---------- instance: The combinatorial optimization problem to tackle during the newly started episode. Either a file path to an instance that can be read by SCIP, or a `Model` whose problem definition data will be copied. dynamics_args: Extra arguments are forwarded as is to the underlying :py:class:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics`. dynamics_kwargs: Extra arguments are forwarded as is to the underlying :py:class:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics`. Returns ------- observation: The observation extracted from the initial state. Typically used to take the next action. action_set: An optional subset that defines which actions are accepted in the next transition. For some environment, the action set may change at every transition. reward_offset: An offset on the total cumulated reward, a.k.a. the initial reward. This reward does not impact learning (as no action has yet been taken) but can nonetheless be used for evaluation purposes. For example, in the total cumulated reward of an episode one may want to account for computations that happened during :py:meth:`reset` (*e.g.* computation time, number of LP iteration in presolving...). done: A boolean flag indicating whether the current state is terminal. If this flag is true, then the current episode is finished, and :meth:`step` cannot be called any more. info: A collection of environment specific information about the transition. This is not necessary for the control problem, but is useful to gain insights about the environment. """ self.can_transition = True try: if isinstance(instance, ecole.core.scip.Model): self.model = instance.copy_orig() else: self.model = ecole.core.scip.Model.from_file(instance) self.model.set_params(self.scip_params) self.dynamics.set_dynamics_random_state(self.model, self.rng) # Reset data extraction functions self.reward_function.before_reset(self.model) self.observation_function.before_reset(self.model) self.information_function.before_reset(self.model) # Place the environment in its initial state done, action_set = self.dynamics.reset_dynamics( self.model, *dynamics_args, **dynamics_kwargs ) self.can_transition = not done # Extract additional information to be returned by reset reward_offset = self.reward_function.extract(self.model, done) if not done: observation = self.observation_function.extract(self.model, done) else: observation = None information = self.information_function.extract(self.model, done) return observation, action_set, reward_offset, done, information except Exception as e: self.can_transition = False raise e
[docs] def step(self, action, *dynamics_args, **dynamics_kwargs): """Transition from one state to another. This method takes a user action to transition from the current state to the next. The method **cannot** be called if the environment has not been reset since its instantiation or since a terminal state has been reached. Parameters ---------- action: The action to take in as part of the Markov Decision Process. If an action set has been given in the latest call (inluding calls to :meth:`reset`), then the action **must** comply with the action set. dynamics_args: Extra arguments are forwarded as is to the underlying :py:class:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics`. dynamics_kwargs: Extra arguments are forwarded as is to the underlying :py:class:`~ecole.typing.Dynamics`. Returns ------- observation: The observation extracted from the initial state. Typically used to take the next action. action_set: An optional subset that defines which actions are accepted in the next transition. For some environment, the action set may change at every transition. reward: A real number to use for reinforcement learning. done: A boolean flag indicating whether the current state is terminal. If this flag is true, then the current episode is finished, and :meth:`step` cannot be called any more. info: A collection of environment specific information about the transition. This is not necessary for the control problem, but is useful to gain insights about the environment. """ if not self.can_transition: raise ecole.MarkovError("Environment need to be reset.") try: # Transition the environment to the next state done, action_set = self.dynamics.step_dynamics( self.model, action, *dynamics_args, **dynamics_kwargs ) self.can_transition = not done # Extract additional information to be returned by step reward = self.reward_function.extract(self.model, done) if not done: observation = self.observation_function.extract(self.model, done) else: observation = None information = self.information_function.extract(self.model, done) return observation, action_set, reward, done, information except Exception as e: self.can_transition = False raise e
[docs] def seed(self, value: int) -> None: """Set the random seed of the environment. The random seed is used to seed the environment :py:class:`~ecole.RandomGenerator`. At every call to :py:meth:`reset`, the random generator is used to create new seeds for the solver. Setting the seed once will ensure determinism for the next trajectories. By default, the random generator is initialized by the `random <>`_ module. """ self.rng.seed(value)
[docs]class Branching(Environment): __Dynamics__ = ecole.dynamics.BranchingDynamics __DefaultObservationFunction__ = ecole.observation.NodeBipartite
[docs]class Configuring(Environment): __Dynamics__ = ecole.dynamics.ConfiguringDynamics
[docs]class PrimalSearch(Environment): __Dynamics__ = ecole.dynamics.PrimalSearchDynamics __DefaultObservationFunction__ = ecole.observation.NodeBipartite